Reading Log (Biography)

Identity Name : Latipatun Nisa NPM : 222122092 Class : C Day 1 Wednesday Date: February 22nd, 2023 Time: 19.00 - 19.30 First Person Haji Agus Salim His Biography Agus Salim born (October 8th 1884 , Kota Gedang, Sumatera. Died at November 4th 1954, Yogyakarta) he is an Indonesian nationalist, journalist and diplomate. At Europeesche Lagere School, Agus Salim completed his elementary education before continuing his study in Batavia at Hogere Burgerschool. Agus Salim worked in the Dutch consulate in Jeddah in 1905 as an interpreter. In 1911, he went back to the Indies to continue his profession as a journalist. He has contributed to Hindia Baroe, Fadjar Asia and Moestika. He became one of the most vocal advocates of the growing Indonesian national movement. He joined Sarekat Islam (SI) and and was considered a right-handed man of its leader, Omar Said Tjokroaminoto. He also became of the editor of SI newspaper Neratja. I...